Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Programming Languages as Religions...

If programming languages were religionsWhy is C considered the Judaism of programming languages? And what's the connection between C# and Mormonism? You can find out the answer in the a funny article I ran into today -titled "If Programming Languages Were Religions"... It's programming humor at its best, undoubtfully a must read!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Crazy Drawing

Crazy naked Dwarf riding an Ogre

I've been practicing my drawing a lot lately, especially ever since I got my new Wacom Bamboo Fun graphic tablet. This particular piece, a kind of caricature in the fantasy art theme, was drawn for one of the weekly challenges in Aviv Or's Blog. It depicts a crazy dwarf, riding naked on an irritated ogre, who doesn't seem too pleased about it.
You can check more of my new art in my online comics series. It's amazing, for me at least, to see how much I've progressed with my drawing in the past 6 months. But that, my friends, is a tale for another post...

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A great blog about everything and nothing, Blogus Magnus host articles about my various areas of interest, including: humor, history, politics, current affairs, software, programming, computer games, literature, art, comics, and much more.

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