Monday, November 9, 2009

Birthday Party Invitation

Birthday Party Invitation
A birthday party invitation I drew for a friend.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

ImageShack Hacked

I discovered today that several of the images I store in ImageShack were hacked. The images were replaced with a new image, bearing the following message:


Proudly presents...

Anti-Sec. We're a movement dedicated to the eradication of full-disclosure. We wanted to give everyone an image of what we're all about.

Full-disclosure is the disclosure of exploits publicly - anywhere. The security industry uses full-disclosure to profit and develop scare-tactics to convince people into buying their firewalls, anti-virus software, and auditing services.

Meanwhile, script kiddies copy and paste these exploits and compile them, ready to strike any and all vulnerable servers they can get a hold of. If whitehats were truly about security this stuff would not be published, not even exploits with silly edits to make them slightly unusable.

As an added bonus, if publication wasn't enough, these exploits are mirrored and distributed widely across the Internet with a nice little advertisement embedded in them for the crew or website which first exposed the vulnerability to the public.

It's about money. While the world is difficult to change, and money will certainly continue to be very important in the eyes of many, our battle is that of the removal of full-disclosure for the purpose of making it harder for the security industry to exploit its consequences.

It is our goal that, through mayhem and the destruction of all exploitative and detrimental communities, companies, and individuals, full-disclosure will be abandoned and the security industry will be forced to reform.

How do we plan to achieve this? Through the unrelenting, unmerciful elimination if all supporters of full-disclosure and the security industry in its present form. If you own a security blog, and exploit publication website or distribute any exploits... "you are a target and you will be rm'd. Only a matter of time."

This isn't like before. This time everyone and everything is getting owned.

Signed: The Anti-Sec Movement

No images were harmed in the making of this... image.

Here's a screenshot I took of the Imageshack Hack Message.

It's still unclear who did this and why. There have been more and more reports of this across the web in the past several hours, but still no official statement from ImageShack. I'm also still not sure whether the images hacked are recoverable (in case ImageShack backs up their servers) or are they lost forever...

Did you happen to come across this issue? If so, post a comment.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rhino Man - Caricature

Rhino Man - Caricature
A Caricature of a Rhinoceros Man, done as a tribute to Joe Camel's cigarette commercials (especially the ones portarying Joe as James Bond). Painted entirely in Photoshop using my Bamboo Fun tablet, it took approximately 3 hours of work to complete.
This painting was done as part of "The Weekly Challenge" in Aviv Or's blog.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Flickering LCD Screen? Try Changing The Cord

A few months ago my LCD monitor started flickering. I was surprised as it was a rather new (1+ year old) Samsung SyncMaster 932 series monitor (see image), which are usually considered OK.

The monitor would start to flicker especially on grey and blue background, and it wasn’t consistent. One day it would flicker like crazy, at other days it would flicker only a bit. After trying the obvious things (adjusting the refresh rates in the display settings, giving it a bit of a rest, hitting the monitor like crazy), I started browsing through various technical forums to find a solution. Most forums suggested to distance my monitor from other electrical devices. So I tried that, but it still didn’t fix the problem. Eventually, I ran into one solution which sounded weird. This guy wrote about how he took the monitor to a technician, and the technician tried everything, but eventually what worked was changing the electrical cord.

I tried it myself, and voila, it worked!

I’m no electrical engineer, I don’t know why a certain cord would interfere with the proper functionality of an LCD monitor (probably has something to do with the magnetic field of the current or something like that), but I do hope this post will help you save a few dollars on technicians if you encounter the same problem.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wedding Invitation

This is a wedding invitation that I drew for one of my colleagues. The idea of the bride chasing the groom with a net was his - his wife didn't fancy it at first, but she liked the drawing so much that she decided to go with it :-)

If you like this caricature and want your own caricature from a photo, I'll draw one for you.

Solution Management Caricature

A caricature of some friends of mine. They all belong to a group called "Solution Management", which should explain my usage of the idiom "You're either part of the problem, or part of the solution..."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Anti Americanism At Its Best (or Worst)

Not sure whether to laugh or cry after seeing this one. This video shows an official Egyptian state TV broadcast calling to boycott Starbucks. The reason? You gotta see this video to find out...

So this clown claims that "The Starbucks siren is really Queen Esther, thus by buying Starbucks coffee you perpetuate the Jewish domination of the world"... WTF?!
Today's lesson, my friends, is this: There are three things that always go hand in hand: Anti Americanism, Antisemitism, and stupidity.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mow the Lawn

In response to the Wilkinson Sword Bikini advert, comes this hilarious video featuring three esthetically aware women that just love to mow their lawn. With more than 70,000 views to date, this is sure to become the next YouTube hit :-)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The REAL Process of Making Webcomics

In one of their latest strips, the guys from PVP comics reveal the truth about how PVP webcomics is made. Check it out here.
Being a webcomics artist myself, I can more than relate :-)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Problem with Twitter

From the animated TV series SuperNews! comes this hilarious bit on Twitter.

Check out for more!

Friday, January 30, 2009

One small step for my comic...

My webcomics series, called "My 25 Percent", has just got its small share of publicity. It was mentioned (in a few words) in an article by Ynet, one of Israel's most popular news portals (if not THE most popular). Those of you who can read Hebrew can view the article here.

The publicity made the trick, and the amount of traffic that I got in the day the article was published was amazing. According to my Google Analytics account, around half of the visitors that browsed my site took interest in more than just the front page (a good sign), and I also got some nice ratings (through my Outbrain widget) for some chapter by a few of the visitors (a really good sign!).

Eventually the effects of the article will wear off, and traffic rate in my webcomic site will return to its regular, mediocre size. But the feeling of achievement is still there. Being an amateur artist, the ability to make it to a leading news portal is a real confidence booster.

It's one small step for my comic, one giant leap for my confidence as an artist!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Terrified Self Portrait

Terrified Self Portrait

This is another work I drew for one of the weekly challenges in Aviv Or's blog. The theme this time was "Terrified Self Portrait". I thought about what would scare me the most, and came up with the conclusion that meeting Dan, a comics character based on me, would definitely do the trick.

Dan is the star of My 25 Percent, the comics series I've been drawing for some time now. I'm slowly but steadily acquiring fans, and the series has managed to become a hit among quite a few hi-tech employees (and average webcomic readers), mostly in Israel, The United States, India, and Germany (at least according to my FEEDJit stats…).

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A great blog about everything and nothing, Blogus Magnus host articles about my various areas of interest, including: humor, history, politics, current affairs, software, programming, computer games, literature, art, comics, and much more.

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