Friday, June 19, 2009

Flickering LCD Screen? Try Changing The Cord

A few months ago my LCD monitor started flickering. I was surprised as it was a rather new (1+ year old) Samsung SyncMaster 932 series monitor (see image), which are usually considered OK.

The monitor would start to flicker especially on grey and blue background, and it wasn’t consistent. One day it would flicker like crazy, at other days it would flicker only a bit. After trying the obvious things (adjusting the refresh rates in the display settings, giving it a bit of a rest, hitting the monitor like crazy), I started browsing through various technical forums to find a solution. Most forums suggested to distance my monitor from other electrical devices. So I tried that, but it still didn’t fix the problem. Eventually, I ran into one solution which sounded weird. This guy wrote about how he took the monitor to a technician, and the technician tried everything, but eventually what worked was changing the electrical cord.

I tried it myself, and voila, it worked!

I’m no electrical engineer, I don’t know why a certain cord would interfere with the proper functionality of an LCD monitor (probably has something to do with the magnetic field of the current or something like that), but I do hope this post will help you save a few dollars on technicians if you encounter the same problem.


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