Friday, January 30, 2009

One small step for my comic...

My webcomics series, called "My 25 Percent", has just got its small share of publicity. It was mentioned (in a few words) in an article by Ynet, one of Israel's most popular news portals (if not THE most popular). Those of you who can read Hebrew can view the article here.

The publicity made the trick, and the amount of traffic that I got in the day the article was published was amazing. According to my Google Analytics account, around half of the visitors that browsed my site took interest in more than just the front page (a good sign), and I also got some nice ratings (through my Outbrain widget) for some chapter by a few of the visitors (a really good sign!).

Eventually the effects of the article will wear off, and traffic rate in my webcomic site will return to its regular, mediocre size. But the feeling of achievement is still there. Being an amateur artist, the ability to make it to a leading news portal is a real confidence booster.

It's one small step for my comic, one giant leap for my confidence as an artist!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Terrified Self Portrait

Terrified Self Portrait

This is another work I drew for one of the weekly challenges in Aviv Or's blog. The theme this time was "Terrified Self Portrait". I thought about what would scare me the most, and came up with the conclusion that meeting Dan, a comics character based on me, would definitely do the trick.

Dan is the star of My 25 Percent, the comics series I've been drawing for some time now. I'm slowly but steadily acquiring fans, and the series has managed to become a hit among quite a few hi-tech employees (and average webcomic readers), mostly in Israel, The United States, India, and Germany (at least according to my FEEDJit stats…).

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A great blog about everything and nothing, Blogus Magnus host articles about my various areas of interest, including: humor, history, politics, current affairs, software, programming, computer games, literature, art, comics, and much more.

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